Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thuraya IP- The new broadband on the block

Since the recent release of the new Thuraya IP terminal
There is a lot of speculation about how well it will perform against the Inmarsat BGAN range.
Thuraya seems more confidant that they have more capacity, and they certainly have a higher streaming rate (384kbps). There is no voice however, but with an unlimited monthly useage package why not use VOIP or even SIP???

you can have a look at it on

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Iridium vs. Thuraya

The Iridium 9505A handset is really functional and rugged, but bulky. It is the only phone which offers completly global coverage. The Thuraya handsets are lighter and more elegant with far more features especially the new SG-2510, which offers full dual mode GSM and satellite. Do we really need a camera though? Some say it is worth having because the phone offers GmPRS service with a 60kbps download and push mail....nothing like getting that photo sent when you are in the middle of nowhere!

Thuraya, Iridium, Inmarsat...which one is for me?

How do we decide what is the best phone, sounds so confusing....


Any users of the Thuraya SG 2510 got any comments on the performance of the new phone?